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Image of nude woman with her arms crossed over her chest - cryolioplysis - NU-U Laser and Aesthetics Clinic in Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire Todmorden Hebden Bridge Halifax Leeds Manchester


Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing)

What is Cryolipolysis or Fat Freezing?


Cryolipolysis is the scientific process behind the world's most popular non-invasive fat reduction treatment. Cryolipolysis refers to the reduction of fat cells through exposure to precisely controlled temperatures. The word's origin comes from the Greek krýos meaning "icy cold"; the Latin word lipos meaning "fat"; and the Greek word lýsis meaning "to release." So, combining the word origins we get cryo (cold) lipo (fat) lysis (cell reduction/release).


Also known as fat freezing, cryolipolysis is scientifically proven to permanently remove stubborn bulges of fat that diet and exercise won't move!


The results are natural and lasting, providing long-term solutions to any problematic fatty deposits. The most popular treatment areas are removing stubborn belly fat, love handles, back fat, buttock fat, upper thigh fat, upper arm fat, and it even gets rid of a double chin!


By controlled and gradual temperature reduction, the targeted subcutaneous fat is frozen without harming the surrounding skin or tissue. The frozen fat cells crystallize and are then naturally disposed of through the body's lymphatic system (urine) over several weeks.

This treatment is very similar to liposuction as it also removes fat cells from the body but without the pain, risks, and downtime. The major difference is that cryolipolysis triggers a metabolic process to remove fat cells from the body, while liposuction sucks the fat cells from the body directly.

The cryolipolysis process requires no anaesthetic or pain relief.

So, what are the results?

An average treatment will result in approximately 2-4 inches of fat loss in one single treatment

Price: £160.00 per area

Ultrasound Cavitation


What is Ultrasound Cavitation?

Ultrasound cavitation uses ultrasound waves to destabilise subcutaneous fat cells. The destabilising process causes the cells to implode and flatten into a disk shape making the layer of fat appear smoother. This particular treatment can be useful in reducing the appearance of cellulite. The number of sessions required depends on how much of the cellulite is visible and how thick the layer of subQ fat is.

We offer this service free of charge when booking cryolipolysis: £65 per session 

Lemon Bottle Lipotherapy

Lemon Bottle Lipotherapy is a FANTASTIC, RESULTS-DRIVEN treatment for the dissolving of unwanted body fat. Unlike Aqualyx, no lidocaine is needed therefore this treatment is much safer for clients with bee or wasp allergies. This treatment isn't suitable if you have a pineapple allergy as Lemon Bottle's two main components are B2 and pineapple. Natural ingredients to reduce fatty adipose tissue effectively and quickly!

Price: £100.00 per small area (chin/jawline)

Price: 220.00 per medium area (lower / upper stomach or love handles)

Price: £300.00 per large areas (full stomach / back fat package on request)

Price: £400.00 per large extended areas (full stomach / back fat package on request)

2-4 treatments are required, depending on the quantity of fat to be dissolved and 2 treatments are recommended if administered in conjunction with fat freezing for much larger areas


Aqualyx Lipotherapy


What is Aqualyx Lipothrapy?

Aqualyx Lipotherapy is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction and can be used in conjunction with cryotherapy. Intra-lipotherapy is a fat-dissolving therapy using sodium deoxycholate solution. The fat dissolver is injected under the skin into the subcutaneous fat layer and is combined with a local anaesthetic (Lidocaine 2%). This fat removal treatment reduces stubborn fat deposits in those difficult areas such as the stomach, outer and inner thighs, and even the chin area.

It works by sticking to fatty deposits and breaking them down over a period of time. The fat is then naturally dissolved and flushed out by the body through your lymphatic system.

Results are effective, quick, and minimally invasive.

Aqualyx Fat Dissolving Injections can be used to treat almost all small deposits of fat, but the most popular treatment areas include the

  • chin

  • stomach

  • thighs

  • arms


Despite a healthy diet and lifestyle, you may still have hard-to-budge fat under your chin and stomach. Aqualyx double-chin reduction treatment is a non-invasive alternative to liposuction. Stubborn fat melts away and skin is tightened under the chin and around the jowls for a more streamlined look.

The results can take up to 6 weeks to appear. Once the fat has gone it doesn't come back. The cells have been dissolved and have exited the body through the lymphatic system.

Not everyone is suitable for this treatment. We would be unable to treat anyone under the following circumstances:


  • Pregnant or breastfeeding

  • If there is an infection in the desired treatment area

  • Impaired immune system

  • Anyone taking blood thinners or immunosuppression medication

  • Uncontrolled diabetes

  • Moderate and severe kidney or liver disease

  • Excessive skin in the area to be treated

  • Lipid disorder

  • Anyone under 18 years of age

Price: £150.00 per small area (chin/jawline)

Price: £400.00 per medium area (stomach/love handles)

Price: £550.00 per small large or multiple areas (package on request)


2-4 treatments are required, depending on the area and 2 treatments are recommended if administered in conjunction with cryolipolysis.

If you would like more information, please call or text the clinic on 07813398647.

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