NU-U Laser and Aesthetics' Guide to Sustainable Gift-Giving (For the Person Who Has Everything)
One of the best parts of Christmas is the giving, and especially, the receiving of presents. It is the most exciting part for children. They struggle to sleep the night before and get up way too early on Christmas morning, eager to rush downstairs and see what has been stuffed into their stockings and left under the tree by Father Christmas.
Since the beginning of human history, there is evidence that gift-giving and feasting were taken part in at the end of December to celebrate the closing of one year and the beginning of a new one. As Christianity spread across the world, the giving of gifts at the end of the year began to symbolise the giving of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the newborn Jesus by the three wise men in the nativity story of the Bible. Today, giving gifts at Christmas isn't necessarily because you are religious and celebrating Jesus' life but because giving gifts at this time of year is so ingrained in society that it would be unthinkable not to! Whatever the reason you give gifts at Christmas, the joy of seeing someone's eyes light up when they open the perfect present picked out by you, especially for them, is a wonderful feeling.
But what about that one person who you struggle to buy a gift for every year? That person who "has everything", "needs nothing", "wants nothing"? Do you just buy them one more scarf, one more pair of socks, the latest popular paperback novel, a box of chocolates, a bottle of wine or gin? But there's nothing worse than buying someone something that they don't particularly want and it is wasteful to buy a present that wouldn't be appreciated or, even worse, end up in a landfill. According to The Big Issue (9 December 2021), excess at Christmas accounts for 270,000 tonnes of wasted food and 42,000 pounds worth of unwanted presents going in the bin. Not to mention all of the wrapping paper and the plastic packaging that wrap the gifts. Here at NU-U, we have come up with some ideas for less wasteful gifts for that "awkward" (but much-loved) person in your life.
Events and experiences
Why not buy your difficult person (or anyone else you are giving a present to) tickets for an experience or event? There is no wasteful packaging, nothing to throw away and it will provide memories for years to come. Here are a few ideas of experiences you can gift:
Nights away in a hotel or glamping
Indoor skydiving
Theatre tickets
A spa day
Wine or whiskey tasting
Afternoon tea
Everyone is interested in something and there is always more to learn about their preferred subject. Buying a course of classes at a local college or from a small business could be the perfect present to increase knowledge or open their eyes to something new. For example, this year my daughter is getting guitar lessons from a local independent music teacher. Examples of other classes that you can gift are:
Sewing or knitting
Sports (including swimming or dancing)
Cocktail making
Gift cards and vouchers
The final type of present to get for someone who has everything is the trusty gift card and gift voucher as they can choose exactly what they want – bonus points for those who shop locally.
You can find gift cards and vouchers for almost anything from restaurants to virtual games to massages to facials and more. At NU-U Laser and Aesthetics, we offer gift vouchers for a range of treatments including IPL Hair Removal, Cryolipolysis, Laser Tattoo Removal, Facials, and Laser Teeth Whitening. Why not get in touch with us today on 07813398647 and buy your loved one a gift that they will love – and thank you for.
These are NU-U's suggestions for gift giving to the "difficult" person in your life or for just reducing clutter and eliminating waste. Will you use any of our suggestions? Do you have any of your own? Let us know in the comments below.
Everyone here at NU-U Laser and Aesthetics wishes you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.