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NU-U Laser and Aesthetics's Tips for a Stress-free Christmas and New Year

Writer's picture: Jaelithe BaxendaleJaelithe Baxendale

Christmas is touted as "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year", right? There are many reasons to love Christmas: presents, visits from friends and family, Christmas songs on the radio, snow, cosy clothes, Christmas movies, and time off work. The list could go on and on. However, it can also be one of the most stressful times of the year with shopping, budgeting, and time management. Here are our tips for a stress-free Christmas and New Year.

1) Have a plan

There are so many things to do at this time of year, from buying advent calendars, presents and speciality foods to decorating the house and tree, going to events, sending cards and visiting friends and relatives. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, make sure that you write lists!

  • Make a list of the food you need to buy.

  • Make a list of the people to whom you are sending cards.

  • Make a list of the people you are buying presents for and what you are buying them.

Schedule the dates and times that you will decorate your house, attend your child's carol service, and visit your friends and family.

If you can make a list for it then do! Stick to your plan and cross off what you have done. You will be able to see what still needs doing and your stress will be reduced enormously.

2) Schedule your food shops

Running around a supermarket two days before the "Big Day" trying to buy all of the provisions for your Christmas Dinner while hundreds of other people are doing the same thing can be an absolute nightmare. You will become frazzled, exhausted, swamped, and are likely to forget something.

First of all, see point one. Make a shopping list. If you do a weekly shop add a few non-perishable Christmas items from your list in there like the Christmas Pudding, alcohol, festive chocolates, nuts, and tinned goods. It not only spreads the cost but also means that the number of perishable items to buy at the last minute is greatly reduced.

Another way to stop the trauma of the last-minute dash around the supermarket is to book an online delivery. This way, you avoid crowds, methodically buy everything from your list and have it delivered directly to your door just in time. Online delivery slots fill up quickly at this time of year, so book now! Combine both methods for even less hassle!

3) Order your turkey now!

Order your turkey as early as possible for pick up or delivery close to the big day to prevent being stuck with a scraggly, undersized bird. We recommend using a local butcher as they will be able to advise you on value and quality. They can help with choosing the size of the bird depending on how many you are feeding and whether you want leftovers. There's no point in spending extra money on a turkey that either won't fit in your oven or will leave you eating turkey well into the New Year or, even worse, not having enough to go around!

4) Book all of your last-minute beauty appointments ASAP!

Everybody wants to look amazing for Christmas Day and New Year's Eve, so if you want your nails done, your hair done, a hair removal treatment, or a refreshing facial in time for the big event, then it's important to book them as soon as possible.

People are all vying for the same appointments and there are only so many to go around. Book early to avoid disappointment. At NU-U Laser and Aesthetics, we offer IPL Hair Removal, Laser Teeth Whitening, Cryolipolysis, Laser Carbon Facials and Acne Therapy, Omni Hydra Facials, Anti-wrinkle Injections and Fillers and more. To book a treatment, text us on 07813398647. Call soon before all of our pre-Christmas appointments fill up.

5) Be kind to yourself!

Amidst all of the planning, organising, shopping, and visiting, it is vital to allow yourself to relax and unwind. Plan half a day per week to take time for yourself, whether it's reading a book, having a long soak in the bath, or taking a nap (not too long of a nap – see our tips for sleeping well below!).

6) Shop locally

Try shopping locally for all of your Christmas food and presents. There are many excellent reasons to shop locally. Here are just a few:

  • Giving back to your community (local investment)

  • Locally-made products

  • Individual rather than mass-produced goods

  • Cost-effectiveness

  • Creating a community

  • Getting better service

  • Avoiding large crowds

  • Supporting the future of your town

Todmorden, Hebden Bridge, and the surrounding areas have many places to choose from to shop for lovely Christmas presents that your friends and family will love.

7) Exercise

There is nothing like a walk in the crisp air of a winter's day. Not only will it get your steps in, but the views and sounds of nature are also good for reducing stress levels and giving you time to depressurise and think.

8) Regulate your alcohol intake

The Christmas season is known for alcoholic overindulgence. From the office Christmas party, visits from friends and family, Christmas Day itself, and New Year's Eve swiftly following on from that, the units of alcohol quickly stack up. Enjoy the festivities without damaging your health:

  • Try not to drink more than 14 units of alcohol per week.

  • Avoid binge drinking by spreading your allocated units over several days.

  • Have drink-free days.

  • Alternate alcoholic drinks with a soft drink or a low-alcohol alternative.

  • Never drink and drive. The following morning can still be dangerous too, so plan to drive later on in the day.

9) Ask for help

This tip is pretty self-explanatory. Don't put all of the pressure of the organising, planning, cooking, and cleaning of Christmas Day on yourself. Ask friends and family who are attending the big day to contribute a side dish or a pudding. They will be pleased to help out. Ask your household for help with organising and cleaning. The burden is spread out and makes for reduced stress and a more pleasant day for everybody. Your family will not thank you for having a wobbler over the rubbish bin or if your child has left a hot chocolate ring on the newly-scrubbed kitchen counter!

10) Sleep well

It is important to get a good night's sleep to deal with all of the extra planning, shopping, and visiting that occurs during Christmas time on top of the things already going on in daily life. Some tips to ensure you get a better night's rest are:

  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco as they are all stimulants that can keep you awake.

  • Don't take long afternoon naps (as tempting as naps can be!) as they can make it harder to sleep at night. A fifteen-minute power nap is okay.

  • Avoid bright lights and electronic devices at bedtime. Don't sit in bed watching T.V. or browsing Instagram as this can be enervating and will make getting to sleep harder.

  • Have a sleep schedule and stick to it. Research suggests that going to bed and waking up at the same time every day is better for you and leads to more satisfying sleep.

And finally...

11) See the funny side

Remember, Christmas is supposed to be a joyous occasion. Try to have fun and don't tie yourself up in knots trying to make it "perfect". The odd overcooked sprout or forgotten bottle of gin won't put a damper on the day. Have an enjoyable time with your friends and family and take pleasure in all that the festive season has to offer.

These are NU-U Laser and Aesthetics's tips for a stress-free Christmas and New Year. What are your tips? Are there any on our list that you plan to follow? Let us know in the comments.

From NU-U, we hope that you have a wonderful lead-up to Christmas and a prosperous New Year.


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