The Linda Evangelista Story: The Facts
So I'm sure you have all heard in the news about the ex-supermodel, Linda Evangelista, and her battle with a very rare side effect (paradoxical adipose hyperplasia) caused by a fat reduction procedure she underwent in 2016.
Whilst the story makes for distressing reading, very little is known about the facts of the matter and little has been reported on the additional side effects of the treatments she subsequently underwent in a bid to reverse the initial treatment.
So, let's start with...
What is paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH)?
In short, it means:
Paradoxical = rare
Adipose = body fat
Hyperplasia = enlargement of tissue caused by an increase in the reproduction rate of its cell proliferation
In a nutshell, the treated area becomes larger rather than smaller in the weeks after the procedure. It can leave a painless, visibly enlarged, firm and well-demarcated mass under the surface of the skin.
PAH has an incident rate of 0.0051% of the 2.5 million people worldwide who have had this non-invasive "fat freezing".
So rare are the cases very little has ever been reported in the media or even made it to the courts. The increased fat cells aren't harmful, but they don't appear to go away over time. The 'VERY RARE' condition is most common in men who have undergone cryolipolysis, although it can still affect women.
How does the treatment work?
Cryolipolysis (fat freezing) works by cooling fatty deposits below freezing, which causes cell death in the fat tissue. The body recognises that the affected cells are no longer serving a purpose and begins to dispose of them through the body's lymphatic system. The process can continue for up to 12 weeks, at which point the full effect of the treatment is then visible.
How can I maximise the treatment?
Client input is key to having successful results. Diet and exercise play a key role in the outcome. This is not a "get slim quick" treatment. If your calorific input is greater than your exercise (or just simple expenditure) output, the results will not be as good. Marginal at best!
It is always worth doing your research when choosing a clinic that offers this treatment. Choosing the right expert to perform any invasive/non-invasive cosmetic procedure is so very important. Knowledge is power.
NU-U's clients minimal reported side effects
We have had so many clients opt for this treatment with amazing results. At worst, the side effects reported are bruising of the treated area (caused by the suction needed to hold the treated area in the cooling chambers) and some temporary numbness, tingling, and/or redness.
Why we choose British!
Our fat freezing machine is British-made and the supplier of all of our machines has been featured on many TV programs...we only buy and invest in the best! Our expertise spans a five-year period, solely concentrating on issues concerning the body's integumentary and endocrine systems (skin, hair, body fat, ageing, and hormone problems).
Special offer for October
Our fat freeze treatment is on offer in October at Just £150.00 per session (RRP £300.00!).
Please TEXT THE CLINIC for more information on 07813398647.
*(before and after picture of a client who underwent fat freezing)
