World Menopause Month
FINALLY THE TIDE IS TURNING... no longer is the word MENOPAUSE taboo.
You only have to type the word into social media and there's a whole host of accounts dedicated to this one, very important topic of conversation.
We have been blogging about this now for around 4 years, so as we now in World Menopause Month it's befitting to do this blog as we step into World Menopause Month!!!
I started to journal on socials, the beginning of my peri menopause journey. It was real and at times gritty. Not particularly socials happy let's put it that way. But it was, and is, the reality of the journey. I will be really honest.... I stopped because it "didn't look instagramable" - Yup, the sight of myself struggling, and on days looking absolutely dreadful was too much to bare. And I was worried that it would put off potential clients too.
The fact that 50% OF THE POPULATION GOES THROUGH IT - surely we should be ok to talk about it - like it is?
Check out these 37 known symptoms associated with menopause.
Altered skin
Bloated stomach
Breathing difficulties
Body odour
Brain fog
Burning mouth syndrome
Changes in sex drive
Changes in breast size
Changes in skin texture
Changes in apetite
Cloudy eyes
Decreasing fertilitry
Dental issues
Dry mouth
Dry eyes
Feeling cold
Hot flushes
Heart Palpitations
Itchy crawly skin
Issues with alcohol
Joint pain
Loss of motivation
Loss of confidence
Muscular Pain
Mood swings
Restless leg syndrome
Sleep problems
Unable to concentrate
Vaginal dryness
Worsening PMS
I have personally experienced half of the above... and maybe a couple that brain fog has blocked!
It's shocking to read all of this isn't it! It's no wonder why we feel like we are going crazy (and sometimes act a little crazy too) I personally seem to be able to manage it better at home than I do at work, but there are a lot of honest conversations about it at home. Trying to keep my head on my shoulders at work is a different matter when running a very busy clinic!
One in 10 women have left work because of symptoms of the menopause, research has revealed. The Menopause and the Workplace report by the Fawcett Society and Channel 4, which polled 4,000 women aged 45-55, found that 10 per cent had left their job because of symptoms of the menopause.
Whilst the dialogue is increasing, unfortunately the support still needs to catch up. I hear so many horror stories at the clinic of women still really struggling to cope with the pressures of work on top of managing symptoms and being a mum / wife/ friend / colleague etc. IT IS NOT EASY. I joke with my friends that the reason I am single is because its easier to hide the crazy when you live alone - but there's a sadness here, as in a way, this is true.
So how do we manage it - where do we go for help?
Well I wish I had all of the answers.... I have had to look much further for support as A) I am single so I live with my own head a lot and B) My journey with HRT wasn't successful at all, as I have an extreme sensitivity to changes in hormones (particularly progesterone) which causes acute anxiety. My relief has come in many forms from Reiki with crystal healing to swimming, saunas and a single supplement recommended by a dear friend. (I was previously taking 13 supplements to manage the symptoms!!!)
All of this got me to thinking... what can WE do to help others? (without keep posting my most vulnerable "eek" moments publicly!) How do I effectively share all the great things I have found to help me since I started my peri-menopause journey over a year ago? - Well it's been a year since the last HOT GOSSIP WOMEN IN BUSINESS NETWORKING EVENT so to celebrate World Menopause Month we are putting on a real special event. Not only do we have a fabulous networking opportunity for women in business, but we have included guest speakers who will share their menopause journeys and what they can do to help. Yes I have rounded up all of the wonderful women I have found and were are collectively sharing alternative methods to managing menopause symptoms in and out of the workplace.
If you would like to join us for this special event - then please purchase your tickets here. Its £6.50 to cover the cost of the room with an additional £5.00 if you would like to take part in the guided meditation afterwards.
We really hope you can join us for 3 lovely hours of connectivity, truthful conversation, sharing of ideas and coping methods and a touch of guided meditation to send you on your way.
Lots of love ladies .... we got this!
